Frequently Asked Questions About
Inherit Iowa Inheritance Tax Calculation Software

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What does the Inherit software do?

I can get the forms without charge from the Iowa Department of Revenue, and I already have a typewriter. How does this help me?

What sort of computer and printer is required?

Why have I never heard of you? Did you put this together recently in your garage?

How do I order?

Q. What does the Inherit software do?

A. The Inherit Iowa Inheritance Tax Calculation Software provides straightforward input of the information necessary to complete the Iowa inheritance tax return (Iowa form 706) and schedules J and K, calculates the inheritance tax, and prints the Iowa 706 with schedules and attachments on plain paper.

Q. I can get the forms without charge from the Iowa Department of Revenue, and I already have a typewriter. How does this help me?

A. If you have absolutely all the information available when you start typing, and if there are no subsequent changes in any of the information, then the only advantages are cutting out redundant typing and automating the calculation of the tax due. However, if you have incomplete information, or if you need to change information, the program allows you to make changes and reprint the forms, rather than whiting out or retyping multiple pages. Once you get used to being able to do that, you'll find that you don't want to go back to typewriters and departmental forms.

Q. What sort of computer and printer is required?

A. An IBM compatible computer, DOS 2.1 or higher, 256kb of RAM. The program will (and does) run under the DOS window in Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. The output will print on any Hewlett Packard Laserjet, or on any other printer fully compatible with that standard. For series III and later Laserjets, no special fonts are required; for earlier printers, a "T" (Tax and Accounting) cartridge or its equivalent is required.

Q. Why have I never heard of you? Did you put this together recently in your garage?

A. Inherit version 1.0 has been in professional use since 1992, and version 1.5 (the most recent version) since 1998. We may be one of the better kept secrets in Iowa probate.

Q. How do I order?

A. Send a check or money order in the amount of $162.00 (includes Iowa sales tax and shipping) to:

    Inherent, Ltd.
    P O Box 1693
    Dubuque, IA 52004-1693
Enclose your name, address, phone number, and email address.

You can also pay online through Paypal, using either a Paypal account or a credit card. To pay through Paypal, click on the button below, and send us the remaining information for shipping by email at

Order Inherit software using Paypal system.


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